Disclaimer| Tecnologynew.com

Welcome to tecnologynew.com, your hub for exploring the exciting world of Mod Apks, apps, and games! We’re passionate about sharing the latest and greatest mods, but before you dive in, it’s important to understand the ground rules. Here’s our disclaimer to ensure you’re fully informed:

Remember That!

  • Mod Apks are modified versions of original apps, often bypassing restrictions or unlocking features. While we strive to provide safe and tested mods, remember, they come with inherent risks. We do not guarantee their complete security, reliability, or functionality. Use them at your own discretion.
  • We’re not responsible for any damages or losses arising from using the mods on our website. Think of it like borrowing a friend’s car – if something breaks, it’s on you. Proceed with caution!

Venturing beyond our borders:

  • We link to other websites, but just like a choose-your-own-adventure book, where you go is up to you. We can’t vouch for the content or practices of those sites, so tread carefully.
  • Remember, once you leave our website, their privacy policies and terms of service apply. Make sure you read and understand them before sharing any personal information.

By using tecnologynew.com, you agree to these terms:

  • We may update this disclaimer from time to time, so keep an eye out for changes.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at malikhammadchannar@gmail.com.
  • Or Visit Contect Us page.

P.S. We’re not affiliated with any official app stores or developers. Consider that before downloading any mods.